Community Monitoring in Health Resources for the Practitioner |
An e-Resource for Accountability Practitioners in Health |
How it has been designed?
The eLearn-Health CBM resource provides step by step information on community monitoring and its related components. It explains the concept of community monitoring and details out what are health and health rights and how they are related to community monitoring. Besides this it focuses upon the process of CBM, and methods, tools of how data and information is collected and how advocacy is done. The Resource endevaours to provide an inclusive view and advocacy from socially exclude users perspective, and examples of CBM and its related components from different countries like Peru, Guatemala, Macedonia, India, Tanzania and Zimbabwe etc. have been included in different sections, however it is not an exhaustive module. The sections in the Resource are divided as learning Modules, wherein each Module begins with the learning objectives and is substantiated with relevant case stories, examples from different regions. The end of each Module provides posers for practitioners to reflect upon what they have learnt so far. Each section also summarises the content to briefly recapitulate what has been learnt so far.