Community Monitoring in Health Resources for the Practitioner |
Community Engagement
D. Do the methods of analysis allow the community to incorporate its own perspective into the report card to make the report card not only community generated but community owned? The community must endorse the report card as representing their own collective story/ experience in order to community own and identify closely with a community enquiry process, The different points discussed above contribute greatly towards building this ownership. Before the report card is shared with other stakeholders like the Municipal authorities or the health providers, the card is shared with the community group that has already been mobilized or with a number of persons from the community who contributed to the enquiry process (participated in the interviews or group discussions). They are presented with the results of the enquiry – both the traffic lights and the more narrative explanation based on the stories and other details. Once the group endorses the report card one or more among them can also be requested to be part of the report card presenting team during the formal public sharing process Care must be taken that individuals who have contributed their stories and experiences to justify and explain any point in the report card do not become vulnerable to reprisal from the authorities. So their names must be kept anonymous at all times. |