Community Monitoring in Health Resources for the Practitioner |
Reading resources
The section describes in detail steps for conducting data generation at the community level, and promoting the community as an active agent in the process. The focus is on participatory principles that will provide general guidelines, directions for conducting community enquiry to generate evidence:
- Training Module on Participatory Community Monitoring And Evaluation
- Community Based Performance Monitoring (CBPM): Empowering And Giving Voice To Local Communities - World Bank Social Development Department – Section 3
- Advocacy and Campaigning Course Toolkit
- Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results
- Taking the Kenya Essential Package for Health to the Community
- Rights-based Monitoring and Evaluation: A Discussion Paper
- Monitoring Equity in Health and Healthcare: A Conceptual Framework
- Community Score Card Process- A Short Note on the General Methodology for Implementation
- Rural Appraisal – Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory
- Social Audit of Provincial Health Services- Building the Community Voice into Planning in South Africa
- Participatory Development Planning
- Participatory Budgeting
- Sleeping on Our Own Mats- An Introductory Guide to Community Based Monitoring and Evaluation
- A Practical Guide to Social Audit as a Participatory Tool to Strengthen Democratic Governance, Transparency and Accountability
- Social Audit as a Budget Monitoring Tool
- Social Audits
- Citizen Report Cards
- Social Audit: A Toolkit - A Guide for Performance Improvement and Outcome Measurement
- Community Score Cards
- Community Scorecard Process: An Introduction To The Concept And Methodology
- Nepal Guidelines
- Proof of Impact and Pipeline Planning: Directions and Challenges for Social Audit in the Health Sector