Community Monitoring in Health Resources for the Practitioner |
An e-Resource for Accountability Practitioners in Health |
Why do we need eLearn-HealthCBM?
There has been a slow but definite transition of political systems across the world into democratic societies over the past five decades. In wake of this transition, citizen engagement with the governance and political system has increased and accountability and community monitoring have emerged as important concepts for leveraging human rights and right to health. Health is a significant second generation right and there is a developing consensus that the state has to assume increasing responsibility for ensuring that the larger sections of the population are able to access essential and good quality health care services. Despite its increasing acceptance, financial resources have been meager, field-tested and theoretically grounded technical resources are scarce, and more often than not such initiatives have resorted to using tools-based formulaic approaches that has been acknowledged, by practitioners and experts alike. This is hampering the full realisation of the potential of monitoring for accountability approaches in empowering citizens, deepening democratic practices, and holding states accountable for their health related commitments. Hence, this community monitoring module initiative is meant to meet the essential and urgent need to fill these gaps and strengthen this burgeoning field. |